What Services Do Service Organizations in Suffolk County Offer?

The Suffolk County Department of Social Services provides free or low-cost subsidized child care services for eligible families residing in the county. This includes assistance with finding and paying for child care, as well as providing information about available resources. The mission of the Suffolk County Ethics Board is to promote literacy and ethical conduct in government through training, transparency, and trust. People who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless can apply for assistance at a Social Services Center.

The Suffolk County Youth Office works to meet the needs of county youth under the age of 21 by ensuring effective countywide planning, careful development, and efficient management of resources. The Federation of Organizations offers supportive employment services for people recovering from mental illness who are ready to do meaningful work. The County Prosecutor is responsible for managing all civil legal matters of the Suffolk County Government and its agencies, as well as operating the Suffolk County Transit System and controlling mosquitoes that transmit diseases. The Department of Social Services is dedicated to providing financial assistance and support services to eligible residents in a cost-effective and efficient manner, while protecting vulnerable people and encouraging their independence and self-sufficiency. The temporary care program allows caregivers to take a break from the emotional and physical stressors of daily care delivery.

The Suffolk County Office for the Elderly administers federal, state, and county programs for people over 60 years of age. The Department of Consumer Affairs resolves complaints, enforces the Suffolk County Code, and obtains compensation for consumers. The Department of Public Works operates Suffolk County Transit (SCT), a network of 42 bus routes that provide mobility and connectivity to a population of more than 1.5 million residents spread over an area of 912 square miles. The Suffolk County Board of Elections is responsible for all aspects of the electoral process, from voter registration to election results. The Federation of Organizations is an employment network (EN) that provides employment support services through the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program. It has also established a common community fund for people with disabilities.

Finally, the Department of Human Resources, Personnel and Public Administration oversees personnel measures taken by some 241 employing jurisdictions.

Mitchell Groesser
Mitchell Groesser

Amateur food enthusiast. Hardcore web aficionado. Extreme tv lover. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. General beer evangelist.

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