Fundraising Events in Suffolk County: How to Make the Most of Them

Partnering with a website that specializes in fundraising through gift cards is a great way to find out about upcoming fundraising events hosted by a particular service organization in Suffolk County.


or FlipGive are two popular websites that allow you to buy gift cards and then sell them to your followers at the nominal price. Whenever they use their gift card to pay, your non-profit organization will automatically receive a donation of up to 10%, depending on the seller, without the person using the card having to pay any additional amount. It is important to make sure that people understand the risk of allergies and that parents sign a consent form for children under 18 if the event is open to children under this age.

Another way to raise funds is by asking people to commit to walking a certain amount a day in exchange for donations (or make them commit to taking a certain amount for every 1000 steps). This is especially effective for organizations such as FSL, a social services agency that provides support and safety to Long Island neighbors who need it most. By selling your mission and vision in an engaging way, you can attract donors and get free services. For organizations that wish to do virtual fundraising events, they must collect the registration in the form of a donation and then encourage the athlete to complete the distance on their own.

Prizes, such as a gift card to a good restaurant in your area or free tickets to the next nonprofit event, are two great options. Identifying potential businesses in your area that donors have shown interest in and highlighting the incredible marketing opportunity that those establishments will receive from this event is also beneficial. You can also ask local wineries or restaurants to donate a bottle or two in exchange for free advertising, or organize a wine tasting at a local company that would contribute a portion of its revenues to your organization. Make sure you have enough space for everyone, whether it's outdoors, on a field, or indoors, in a larger event space.

Additionally, creating a sponsorship package is an excellent idea for ongoing fundraising. Partnering with your county's local fair organizers is another great way to get donations for your organization or a portion of the profits from an activity. When participants share photos of themselves on the Internet with the event's hashtag or mention Movember in their captions, they raise awareness of the cause organically and educate others about the importance of Movember's work. You must collaborate with the town hall in your area or with the local organization that organizes the fair.

In addition to giving away jackets, hats, and gloves, encourage donors to make a one-time donation, in addition to their in-kind contribution, to help your organization maintain its important work. You can also choose to organize this event as a typical speed dating night or do it in a way that directly benefits your organization (for example, by asking single people to help you prepare relief packages for your shelter). Selling or auctioning trees in collaboration with your local native plant nursery, or promoting donations for memorial trees that your organization will plant to remember your loved ones are other great ways of raising funds. If you're looking to meet like-minded new people with a common interest in philanthropy, organizing a speed dating event can be an effective way of breaking the ice among singles in your community and creating a welcoming environment for connection. Organizing fundraising events can be an effective way for non-profit organizations located in Suffolk County to raise money and awareness about their cause.

There are many different ways of doing this, from partnering with websites that specialize in fundraising through gift cards, asking people to commit to walking or running for donations, organizing virtual events with prizes for participants, partnering with local fair organizers, giving away jackets and hats as incentives for donations, selling or auctioning trees with local nurseries, and organizing speed dating events. When planning these events it is important to consider factors such as allergies and parental consent forms if children are involved. It is also important to collaborate with local businesses and town halls when necessary. Additionally, it is important not only to give away items but also encourage one-time donations from donors. By following these tips you can ensure that your fundraising event will be successful.

Mitchell Groesser
Mitchell Groesser

Amateur food enthusiast. Hardcore web aficionado. Extreme tv lover. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. General beer evangelist.

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