What Are the Restrictions for Receiving Grants from a Service Organization in Suffolk County?

Are you curious about the restrictions for receiving grants from a service organization in Suffolk County? The answer is yes, there are certain requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for a grant. The first condition is that the recipient must be located in an eligible rural area. To determine if you are in an eligible area, you can use the USDA eligibility site and enter your exact address. Alternatively, you can search the map to get an overview of eligible areas.

Taxpayers should also be aware that payments made by Suffolk County under the Septic System Improvement Program (SIP) should not be included in the gross income of the grant recipient. This is according to the announcement made by New York State. If you are part of a non-profit organization (NFP), you must also prequalify on the grant portal in order to apply for a grant from New York State. In summary, there are certain restrictions that must be met in order to receive grants from a service organization in Suffolk County.

You must be located in an eligible rural area and, if you belong to an NFP organization, you must prequalify on the grant portal. Additionally, payments made by Suffolk County under the SIP should not be included in the gross income of the grant recipient.

Mitchell Groesser
Mitchell Groesser

Amateur food enthusiast. Hardcore web aficionado. Extreme tv lover. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. General beer evangelist.

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