Veteran Services and Organizations in Suffolk County

Suffolk County is home to the largest population of veterans in New York State and has one of the most extensive veteran populations in the United States. For those looking for long-term services and supports, keyword research and guided search can help identify the services and supports that may meet their needs. Additionally, there are a variety of resources available to veterans in Suffolk County that provide survival-level services such as food, housing, material goods, and transportation. These resources also help meet financial needs by helping people find and keep a job, enroll in public assistance programs, access groups and social activities in their communities, and protect consumer rights.

Families and Social Services Long Island (FSL) is a social services agency that provides support and security to Long Island residents who need it most. The FSL Diagnostic, Evaluation, and Stabilization Center in Hauppauge offers multifaceted critical services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people experiencing a mental health or substance abuse crisis. The Alliance for Veterans Health is an organization that informs veterans about the availability of benefits and services, provides training for veterans, family members, and social service providers, advocates with elected officials about the need for services for veterans, and provides direct services and peer-to-peer support to veterans and their families. On Monday, February 20th, the Suffolk County Veterans Services Agency will be accepting applications for funding for the Marathon program.

The Veterans Services Agency will also coordinate transportation of veterans to the Veterans Hospital in Northport. Suffolk County is committed to providing its veteran population with the resources they need to live healthy and successful lives. From survival-level services to financial assistance programs to peer-to-peer support, there are a variety of resources available to veterans in Suffolk County that can help meet their needs. Whether you are looking for long-term services or just need some assistance getting back on your feet, Suffolk County has you covered.

Mitchell Groesser
Mitchell Groesser

Amateur food enthusiast. Hardcore web aficionado. Extreme tv lover. Infuriatingly humble coffee nerd. General beer evangelist.

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